Go Sporting Case Study

Founded by PGA golf professional, Mark Hooper, Go Sporting provides sports hospitality, tickets and packages to major sporting events around the world. The new website had to be big, bold but not over-complicated. The journey from browsing to buying needed to be as straight-forward as possible.

The Homepage Design

Go Sporting Homepage

The Go Sporting homepage features image-rich navigation to event category pages, with visual effects on hover-over to improve readability of the text overlays.

Below the image grid is a short paragraph of text explaining the ethos of Go Sporting, targeting both the social and corporate customers.

The footer which appears on every page is broken into three sections:

  • Events Calendar listing upcoming events, Newsletter Sign Up, Mark’s personal upcoming event recommendation
  • Social panels for Facebook and Twitter, displaying number of followers and latest post for each
  • Sitemap, social links, copyright

Go Sporting Navigation Menu

The navigation menu at the top allows users to browse through different sports categories and the event categories, featuring Go Sporting’s Promoted Event on the right.

Go Sporting Live Chat

The LiveChat window can also be clicked or minimised from every page on the site, encouraging users to live chat the sales manager as they browse, for assistance when making their purchase or deciding which event would be recommended based on the user’s corporate needs.

Go Sporting Homepage on Mobile

On mobile, the homepage is just as slick and easy to navigate. The navigation menu slides out from the left, when the burger menu icon is tapped.

Go Sporting Mobile Navigation

The Event Category Design

Go Sporting Event Category Page

The main category page for a sport displays the events within the category, and is sortable by Nearest Start Date, Furthest Start Date, Price Low – High, and Price High – Low. Beneath the listings is space for text content. All text content throughout the website is editable via the CMS (which we’ll go into later).

The Event Page Design

Go Sporting Event Page

Events can be added and edited in the CMS, with the ability to upload images for the event which are styled into a grid of featured images above the ticket options and text content. YouTube videos can also be embedded for each event, which appear as a video thumbnail in the sidebar and can be clicked to display in cinema-mode.

Go Sporting Video Embed

You can click “View Prices” for each hospitality option, which takes you to the dates and ticket prices for different options, as well as more information on what to expect.

All events are also added to the Events Calendar (accessible from the main navigation menu), which shows all events across different sports and can be filtered to only display events available for a specific month within the next year.

Go Sporting Events Calendar

Content Management System

Go Sporting CMS

New category and sub-pages can be added and edited easily via the bespoke content management system, developed specifically for Go Sporting’s event hospitality business needs.

Contact us to talk about your website!